Monday, July 19, 2010

This Is Not What I Ordered!!!

No matter how hard I try, life can't be funny all the time .....

I want to scream, sometimes, loudly
The kind of  loud that hurts your ears
The kind of loud that gets attention
The kind of loud that draws a crowd

I want to cry, sometimes, hard
The kind of hard that overcomes you
The kind of hard that takes your breath
The kind of hard that hurts your head

I want to run, sometimes, far and fast
The kind of fast the can't be caught
The kind of far that can't be found
The kind of run that leaves behind

This isn't what I ordered
This isn't how I planned it
This isn't what I wanted

But I can't, There's something stopping me
The kind of something that can't be seen
The kind of something that conquers all
The kind of something shared by family

Instead I whisper, softly
The kind of whisper that says "I love you"
The kind of whisper that means "I'm here"
The kind of soft that soothes the soul

Instead, I smile, always
The kind of smile that shows I'm happy
The kind of smile my children cause
The kind of smile that can't be broken

Instead I remain, hopeful
The kind of hopeful that is strong
The kind of hopeful that is determined
The kind of hopeful that saves us all

This isn't what I ordered
This isn't what I planned
But, this isn't going to beat me


  1. So many many hugs for you!

    xo Susie

  2. I love and miss you. Coming home tonite and I think we both need a hug!

  3. Hugs from me too.


  4. Hugs and good thoughts to you.
